

Curry Rivel C of E VC Primary School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils. As a school we recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation is no different from safeguarding against any other vulnerability. At Curry Rivel Primary School all staff are expected to uphold and promote the fundamental principles of British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Since July 1 2015 there has been a duty on schools to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is called the Prevent duty. Prevent is part of the Government’s counter terrorism strategy. Its aim is to stop more people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism in all its forms. All staff are trained using the ‘Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent’ [WRAP] training materials from the Home Office.

Curry Rivel C of E VC Primary School, Curry Rivel Foundation Stage-Little Pips & Curry Rivel Out of School Club (CROOSC)- Apple Trees will therefore:

  • Ensure that it does not invite speakers who will disseminate extremist views or seek to radicalise pupils and staff.
  • Recognise how pressure from others can affect their behaviour including awareness of the risks of radicalisation and extremist behaviour.
  • Exercise our duties under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 by ensuring that all staff are appropriately trained to identify vulnerable children and refer them appropriately.
  • Embed "core values" of a democratic society, including freedom of speech, but recognising, with all rights come responsibilities, beliefs designed to manipulate the vulnerable or which advocate harm or hatred towards others will not be tolerated.
  • View radicalisation as a safeguarding concern and will be referred to the appropriate safeguarding agencies.
These points can also be found in our Safeguarding Policy